Wedding bells in Arun Vijay’s family

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 27 2010]

Arun Vijay’s home is gearing up for another wedding celebration. Actor-producer Hemanth will marry Haasini on August 20 in Chennai. Haasini is the daughter of Arun Vijay’s sister Kavitha. Hemanth, who is one of the producers of ‘Malai Malai’ and ‘Maanja Velu’, is the brother of Arun Vijay’s wife Aarthi. Hemanth also played a negative role in ‘Maanja Velu’. The engagement ceremony will be held in Chennai on June 24. Interestingly, Kavitha was also an actress and she had played Sarath Kumar’s sister in the film ‘Coolie’. This is an arranged marriage that would take place with the blessings of elders in both the families, sources maintained.

“Though the wedding was fixed already, families of Arun Vijay and Hemanth were waiting for the release of ‘Maanja Velu’. Now that the film has hit the theatres and declared a hit, they are doubly happy to announce the good news,” sources added.